World Water Day 2023 reminds drier months coming

World Water Day 2023 reminds drier months coming



Predictions of a drier than usual year, made the messaging for World Water Day 2023 even more important, as a team from the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) engaged the students of the Mount Tabor Primary School in Sherbourne, St John.

BWA Hydrogeologist Jaime Paul and Industrial Waste Inspector Verrol-Ann Scott shared very useful water conservation tips during a highly interactive session with the youngsters.

water saved today could be available for future use

Senior Teacher at Mount Tabor Primary, Laura Green said, “It was a pleasure hosting the BWA on World Water Day and thank you for the presentation which reinforced the concept of water conservation.” She added, “Our students thoroughly enjoyed the session and are now convinced that water saved today could be available for future use if they play their part at home and at school.”

Another highlight of the day and a surprise for the visitors to the school was an excellent display prepared by the Infants B Beckles students in celebration of World Water Day. The children were able to explain each element of this presentation.

Teams from Bank Holdings Ltd and Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre joined the BWA in giving each student tokens to celebrate World Water Day 2023.

The Authority’s Conservation Outreach team this week also visited with students of the St Patrick’s Roman Catholic School and enlisted their help in spreading the word on our need to change our water use and waste disposal habits.

  • PublishedMarch 24, 2023

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