5 Reasons you should get more sleep for a healthier you

5 Reasons you should get more sleep for a healthier you

Not feeling your best physically and mentally? Maybe it’s time to get some rest and a good night’s sleep. Often these words are not heeded as more people continue to push their bodies to the limit in today’s fast-paced world, with little time set aside for rejuvenating the mind and body, doing a disservice to our health. 

It’s Sleeptember, that time of the year when awareness is raised to encourage people about the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep and practicing sleep hygiene. 

For some people, sleep is hard to come by due to various disorders. However, if you are able to fall asleep with ease, then embrace that sweet slumber and the health benefits that come with it.  

Getting enough sleep on a regular basis may help you:  

  1. Reduce stress. If you find yourself being stressed out a lot or in an irritable mood, you might possibly be getting too little sleep at night to be able to deal with the challenges that come with the next day. According to BannerHealth, researchers found that adequate sleep may reduce feelings of anxiety and boost your mood.  

  1. Maintain a healthy weight. According to Sleep Foundation, studies show poor sleep may lower your metabolism, making it harder to burn calories. Sleep is also essential for regulating the hormones that affect your appetite. 

  1. Lower health risks. Inadequate sleep over the long term can be detrimental to your health. According to Harvard Medical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine, a lack of sleep on a regular basis may lead to chronic health risks including hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.  

  1. Improve memory. Feeling more forgetful lately. Then you better start hitting the sack at night. According to NIH News in Health, lack of sleep affects a part of the brain called the hippocampus which is key to making memories.  

  1. Improve immune system. If you find yourself falling ill too often, you may need to check if you are getting enough sleep. According to Sleep Foundation, sleep provides essential support for your immune system as disrupting this may make it easier for you to fall ill.  

Most adults need more than 7 hours of sleep a night.  How many hours do you sleep? 

  • PublishedSeptember 11, 2024